Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hardest Week Ever...

Well this was by far the craziest week in my mission ever. I almost had a breakdown because we were just going going going non stop and so many unexpected things happened. Last Pday after writing my email, my comp Hermana Moreno kept having really bad pain and we ended up having to go to the doctor and he told her she had an appendicitis (spelling? i know but spanish is messing my english up) so with a bunch of crazy events and 3 hours or so of waiting in the never ending line of sick people, and finally leading up to midnight where my comp was in surgery and President Gulbrandsen, his wife,  and assistants were all in the waiting room waiting for her. It was so neat to be able to talk with President and his life experiences and sister gulbrandens wonderful father. I really enjoyed the opportunity but i was also very concerned for my companion. Turned out fine, but the hospital (which is enormous) was full, they had no rooms left and i slept on the emergency room tile floor with the pillow that the nurse gave me but she really seemed like I was asking too much so I didnt bother to ask for anything else and i slept two hours and then I was woken up coughing and sick. Huge change in plans, Elder Sampson picked me up, and we had to pick up hermana Cariola (so sweet) to be my companion for the week in Almagro. Let me inform you that she had only been in almagro 6 weeks and i had only been there 5 so we were completely entirely lost every day and using the map every second but still we found ourselves racing around town like maniacs to all our appointments. We didnt know the subte route, the collectivos, the streets, or members... it seemed like a disaster... what did we do... prayed our butts off! We worked and worked and worked and prayed a ton to be able to do it. The lord had a lot of confidence in us to have us there to learn all on our own. We set up the baptism for Pablo on Sunday and he was so excited. But after his interview turned out that he needs one more week to prepare... that happens and we rather have them fully prepared but it was a lot of time spent and we were sad to not have been able to accomplish it right then. We had conference in our stake and it was huge, the most people ive ever seen in argentina in the church. the Almagro ward is incredible. Our Zone had 20 baptisms in one transfer... not too shabby. The thing ill never forget is the look in Pablos eyes when we spoke of the atonement and he cried because he felt so bad for his sins. Then he completely changed and said "hermanas i know i need to be baptized and Thats what I want. I want a new life. I want to be that person he wants me to be." I could feel the spirit so strong. It was amazing! He will get baptized this Saturday. Lots of crazy stuff happened this week and last night was the farewell for the missionaries and hermana Romo (my comp in campana) is leaving to go home and i cant beleive she has already finished her mission! I cried like a baby when she bore her testimony because she is my best friend in the whole world. i cant imagine her not as amissionary with us anymore but I know its time. I love her with all my heart! HOWEVER... last night, after the farewell and having hermana Rivera with us (I love her so much!) i thought that my area was still going to be almagro but i was wrong.... campana for 6 months and almagro only 1! wow... soooo im In another pàrt of capital... Urquiza... its the city but more open and pretty and calm. I gotta go because we have so much to do but wow... i learned alot this week and what im capable of taking on. I know the lord helps shape our back to bear the burdens and i look forward to the success here in Urquiza with Hermana Sandoval! (de chile) I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu keep being the missionaries you are and spreading the love!!!!!!!!!!!!! love you fam!
xox hermana ashley gillum

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