Monday, November 22, 2010

Letter #2

The miracles of this Gospel are incredile! all that has happened in the last week is way too good to be able to sum up in an email with short amounts of time to explain. Ill try to not jump around to different topics to much and just update you on all thats happened so far! Ive seen some freaky stuff here haha ladies just breast feed their babies in public no cover or anything haha I guess its normal here. Last week we ended up haveing to be up by 4 am to get to a scary abondoned train station to travel to another city for the leadership training meeting with everyone. That was freaky! We were just asking to get robbed because we were three sister missionaries waiting in the dark for the train and from the looks of the surroundings it didnt look like a safe place to be at all haha. we met the elders on the train that was filled with cigar smoke and mosquitos! Man those things love me or something im getting eaten alive! we passed through some beautiful fields of trees and tall grass and every once in a while would see some really sad communities of huts. (the villas) the faces on those people were so sad. I am constantly reminded how important it is that we are here to help. We have this investigador that is progressing and doing very well but cant wrap his mind around the fact that this is the ONLY true WITH proper authority, he thinks our church makes the most sense but needs to read more of the book of mormon and needs to see for himself that the Priesthood is EVERYTHING. I bore my testimony to him and my conversion touched his heart. He said he could connect with relation. My sen. comp Hermana Allen does an awesome job at speaking the language she only has about a month left and Hermana keele is picking it all up quickly also. So we met this one family, the grandma was supposed to get baptized but backed out last minute for no reason. She says the times she went to church were her happiest days and she knows without a doubt this church is true but now she wasnts to move away. The daughter of her is fed up with her children and has a very angry boyfriend they live with. The children are in terrible condition. They called us angels when we walked up to there home and they had big smiles all covered in dirt half clothed. My companions asked the mother to remember that they love her and they deserve to be able to go to church and deserve to be loved and cared for but she didnt agree. the little girls just stood against us and as I had my hands resting on the shoulder of the girl, I noticed her scratching her head and it was then I looked and saw the fleas all over her precious scalp. Tears filled my eyes. It became very real to me the conditions the world is in and the desperate need of peace and solace that the Savior brings to all. It became real how little I am able to do physically but the Lord reminds me that its HIM they need. My companion mentioned once that she was walking down a dirt road and a family by garbage had a little 3 year old boy curled up in a ball against the wall and he looked up at her with bloodshot eyes and looked so sick and pained. The family said something along the lines of do you want him? take him! My heart couldnt take the thought of all the people in the world that lack the knowledge of the worth of souls. My companion said that she often has felt that pain on her whole mission but reminded me that the only thing to do is remember the great plan of salvation and that God has a much greater plan that is all merciful and perfectly put together. Im so glad to be doing my part to be on these front lines of battle against good and evil as we press forward and bring comfort to those in need. We went walking down this dirt road through all these crazy homes and up these stairs we spoke with a less active member. She is incredible. Having no windows or air with children and her mother in this tiny home I couldnt believe how strong her love is for the gospel. I bore my testimony and the tears filled their eyes feeling the spirit and she said she would come to church. It was the most amazing feeling to feel the power of my companionship and those peoples hearts and hear what was so very dear to them. Im really anxious to just go up and talk to absolutely everyone so I always start conversations. At the bus stop I started telling a guy with his wife and kid I like his shoes that looked like Toms shoes and he told me they were cheap. Anyway, a lesson came out of it and we will visit them again this week. Church was incredible. I got up to bear my testimony and introduce myself. I was nervous at first but the love of this people is so strong that they appreciate anything you do. Especially when you speak their language. Brenda the music director prepared us lunch and it was just like that movie, Errand of Angels because we had way too much. I thought I was going to be sick because I was so full. She is the sweetest lady though, we shared a scripture with her and told her she would be blessed for her kindness to everyone. Wow talk about TONS of tracting and knocking doors! the streets are literally COVERED in wild dogs. My legs were sooo tired haha I love it though. so many amazing things happened! Some people laughed at us, some hid, some werent home but the ones we came across WERE AMAZING!!! you can tell how well god and prepared those that accept us. He is the one with all the ability. So get this, we were exhausted and looking at our area map when suddenly I had a great idea, use the bathroom=comps present lesson. so we go to this really nice house and ring the bell and they yell out the window that we cant use the restroom and slam it haha we were like haha ummm... ok... NEXT... we go to the next house and this cute argentine father lets us in his very nice home and we have ornanja soda and it leads to a lesson, the daughter comes, the mom, the grandma, now we have the WHOLE FAMILY HERE LEARNING! They were so receptive to everything it was incredible. We laughed a lot and mostly at my broken Spanish and it was so much fun. They paid more attention to my spanish because it took me a hwile to say what I wanted. haha. they are a golden family. cassic argentine familia. AMAZING. Today we have to shop for our house then back to work all week. We have no food. and we are poor missionaries haha its fun living on the edge haha. It takes two weeks to get letters here from the US. So the best way to communicate is DEARELDER.COM. Everyone that emails me huge emails I have no time to read all the way through. little ones are ok though but dearelder is free and easy and fast. I love you all thanks for your letters and support you all mean alot to me, EVERY ONE Of YOU xoxoxoxox  con amor hermana gillum

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