Im so happy and blessed to have the encouraging angels around me here on earth that I do to
help me see the sunshine beyond the passing clouds. Im so grateful to know this true gospel
and my divine purpose here and where Im going.
Come, come, ye Saints, no toil or labor fear;
But with joy wend your way.
Though hard to you this journey may appear,
Grace shall be as your day.
'Tis better far for us to strive
Our useless cares from us to drive;
Do this and joy your hearts will swell —
All is well! All is well!
Why should we mourn or think our lot is hard?
'Tis not so; all is right.
Why should we think to earn a great reward
If we now shun the fight?
Gird up your loins; fresh courage take.
Our God will never us forsake;
And soon we'll have this tale to tell —
All is well! All is well!
We'll find the place which God for us prepared,
Far away in the West.
Where none shall come to hurt or make afraid;
There the Saints will be blessed.
We'll make the air with music ring,
Shout praises to our God and King;
Above the rest these words we'll tell —
All is well! All is well!
And should we die before our journey's through,
Happy day! All is well!
We then are free from toil and sorrow, too;
With the just we shall dwell!
But if our lives are spared again
To see the Saints their rest obtain;
Oh, how we'll make this chorus swell —
All is well! All is well!
But with joy wend your way.
Though hard to you this journey may appear,
Grace shall be as your day.
'Tis better far for us to strive
Our useless cares from us to drive;
Do this and joy your hearts will swell —
All is well! All is well!
Why should we mourn or think our lot is hard?
'Tis not so; all is right.
Why should we think to earn a great reward
If we now shun the fight?
Gird up your loins; fresh courage take.
Our God will never us forsake;
And soon we'll have this tale to tell —
All is well! All is well!
We'll find the place which God for us prepared,
Far away in the West.
Where none shall come to hurt or make afraid;
There the Saints will be blessed.
We'll make the air with music ring,
Shout praises to our God and King;
Above the rest these words we'll tell —
All is well! All is well!
And should we die before our journey's through,
Happy day! All is well!
We then are free from toil and sorrow, too;
With the just we shall dwell!
But if our lives are spared again
To see the Saints their rest obtain;
Oh, how we'll make this chorus swell —
All is well! All is well!
Trust in the Lord:
Praying more fervently, faith unceasing, working diligently and honestly...
but most importantly.... Im learning ever so much... how to FULLY TRUST
in the Lord my Savior.
Last week we saw some very beautiful miracles. I am always impressed
by the impressions of the spirit. After a very large lunch, we were walking
home and the spirit impressed on me to go home by turning down a very
different route and down this specific street we found a lady broke down
in a car with her children. We spoke of who we are and why we are here,
and we offered to help push them all the way to their house.
With all of our hands on the back and the family inside we pushed
them all the way home. I never wanted to pass out or toss my cookies
so bad in my whole life than after that. At her destination she jumped in
the air and threw her arms around us all and with tears expressed how
grateful she was and that she couldnt believe we would do that in our
skirts and all haha. Sure enough she wants to know more about our
church and the purpose of our dedication to this work and service.
Also when meeting with Hermana Laura... we were amazed..
I never expected to have such a powerful prayer after our lesson
when it was her first time praying in front of us...
Sure enough all on our knees, Laura conversed with her Father
in Heaven as if we were never there. It was the most spiritually
intimately sincere prayer Ive ever heard on my mission.
She confessed all of her transgressions and sorrows to the Lord
and how she was grateful for the "angel missionaries that He has
sent to her." We were all in tears and completely silent after the
prayer. I felt the spirit of the lord impress the story of the Bible into
my heart of the woman who is brought to be stoned and the Savior
asks her to go and sin no more. I felt the love of the Atonement hit
me so powerfully through her cry for help. I felt the pain of the Savior
in my soul and how he hurts so much for us. How he cries when we
cry, and how much he desires to heal us of our pains. This was so
beautiful to me that I hadnt found any words sufficient to speak.
Ill never forget this moment in my mission and how it changed me.
Trusting the spirit works miracles and guides us where we need to be.
This last week I relized my struggles quickly and decided to commune
with my Father in Heaven for help. Without Him nothing is possible.
I knelt before my bed privately and poured out my heart to Him in love for
my brothers and sisters here in Argentina, for my family, for my friends,
I plead for Him to heal my heart, correct my error, forgive my faults.
I prayed to Him with all my heart to guide me with divine revelation of
what He wants me to learn from everything instead of asking Him WHY ME?
I expressed my deep appreciation for all of the beautiful ways I have felt His
hand guide me in my life and with upmost gratitude I spoke the words...
"thank you Father... thank you for making me so much more than I am."
Proverbs 3: 5-6
Trust in the Lord with ALL thine heart,
Lean not unto thine own understanding,
in all thy ways acknowledge Him,
and He shall direct thy paths!
He cannot lie, nor does He sway from this or that.
this is a divine promise that we have if we fully lean on Him
in all things and let him take us where He wants us.
Trusting completely means to not have fear, no matter how
high the tide or how far the journey.
Hna. Bray and Hna. Vargas were incredible comps and just as we got so
very comfortable together and used to everything we knew the Lord would need
to stretch us again and try our faith... so transfers came last night at 11 pm.
We said our goodbyes and assured one another we are forever friends.
Im now in Caballito... with sweet little Hermana Iñigo who is new to the mission.
Im Senior companion with trust from the Lord to guide and care for her and care
for all in my shpere with responsibility and humility. Im going to need to lean
on the Lord in everything. To always align my will with His in order to fulfill
whats expected of me at this time.
Where is our focus? on others or ourselves?
Hna. Bray and I were talking about something so great the other day.
We said, how its so incredible what a difference is made when we
truly KNOW WHO WE ARE. We all have the knowledge that we were
created by a higher being but to literally ponder the depth and importance
that we are actual sons and daughters of a living God defines everything
about us and the way we think and act. Without remembering this,
we stumble and we fall and we hesitate. No wonder Satans favorite
avenue of attack happens to be our self esteem.
So what do we do? Well on the mission ive learned,
to expect, the unexpected. Hope for a better tomorrow.
Know who you are as a child of God and the power we
have to change everything in our sphere for the better.
Pay attention to spiritual revelation and act when prompted.
Filter your thoughts and know what source they are coming
from and whether or not it is a positive or negative source.
Change what you are able to, accept what you cannot.
Trust in the Lord the master potter as we remain clay in
His embracing hands. And with all your heart...
LOVE love love LOVE.
I love my companions. They are my greatest friends. I love my leaders, they give direction,
I love my family and friends that provide unconditional love and support...
I love Argentina and these beautiful people so very much for who they are.
I love our President Richard Gulbrandsen and His wife Karen who sacrafice so
much to be here and do all that they do for us.
I love my Savior so much that there are no words to express even a fraction of what I feel.
All this love grows with each new chapter of my mission....
Im 11 months into my mission already...
and I honestly whole heartedly my mission!
with much positivity, love, gratitude,
& on the journey of becoming better...
Yours truly,
Hermana Ashley Ann Gillum
Buenos Aires Norte, Argentina mission
Sep. 2010- Mar. 2012
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